surfacing, well worth a listen.... / by greig ness

surfacing is the new album by leeds based musician/ composer toby wiltshire (link here to his bandcamp site)

it’s an album of staggering soundscapes that, for me, have echoes of the work of richard skelton and floating points. it is the kind of music that i never know how to categorise (some of the tags the artist gives it include ambient, drone, electronic, soundscapes, new classical). but i can say it is the kind of music that i have been listening to a great deal of late. lots of the afore mentioned richard skelton, library tapes, and the slightly misnamed deathprod

i’m no music critic so i’m not going to attempt that here, so why am i blogging about it you might ask?

well i provided the photography for the art work which you can see here….

limited edition prints are available for toby’s bandcamp page